Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Help! We are sinking!

AT&T really does not care about their employees. And at that, AT&T does not care about their customers. I sometimes wonder if the policies are reviewed at the top or if middle management takes it upon themselves to make us work in fear.

Working In Fear
On a daily basis, you constantly worry about losing your job. What are reasons that would cause you to lose your job? I will detail them here and elaborate later on each one.

  • Attendance (An unequal policy that screws everyone equally)
  • Metrics (Completely unreasonable and not geared toward helping customers)
  • Politics (Many managers will go out of their way to fire you if they dont like you)
  • Limitations (If you help a customer too much you are getting fired!)
  • Intimidation Tactics (Certain managers love to make idle threats that are so idle)
In upcoming posts, each of these subjects will have its own post that will bring details to light that will blow your mind. If I have left anything out, feel free to email me and let me know.

Who cares? We know AT&T doesn't!
You would think that being good to your employees would make the work environment and moral at a level that is appealing. Not AT&T! The modus operandi at AT&T is the beatings will continue until the moral improves. Submit or be subdued; not a fun environment. It could be a great place to work if the upper management would make some serious changes. (More on this later)

To AT&T, customers don't matter, employees don't matter, and employees families don't matter. Some of us actually like helping customers, but that is not our job. Our job title and description are all about helping the customer, but when you get into the company you quickly learn the truth. Its almost like joining a cult.

When will it get better?
We hope soon. Again... change and awareness. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!

At AT&T there are too many chiefs and not enough indians. The chain of command is ridiculous. There is a manager for a manager for a manager for a director for an area director for a vice president.. it goes on and on. At some level you just want to ask what they do for the company besides sit in an office and look busy on conference calls. Way over paid to sit and micro manage and go out of their way to make employees miserable. (LOTS more on this later!) Its high time to let some of these people go and distribute those salaries to the people doing the real work.

Management thinks we are all replaceable and their solution is to outsource jobs. Well, I cant count the amount of calls that are transferred back to me from offshore EVERY DAY because the customer wants to speak with an American here in the United States. Even customers are getting angry about AT&T policy!


  1. Don't forget to talk about the way people have left work in ambulances and been fired for leaving early. What company does this?

  2. I have never seen so many EMTs arrive at a work site as I have at my call center. Only so much can be said about the lack of physical well being we've brought into the center, but the stress levels that are put on the Customer Assistants and the Operations Managers is insane.

  3. The truth is also that the majority of their employees are on some kind of anti stress medication or another just to make it through the day, wether it be Zoloft, Zanex etc. It took me almost having a nervous breakdown to say this job wasn't worth my sanity or my health & I found employment elsewhere.

  4. They leave pots and atm dsl customers out of service for weeks. Elderly? Heart patients? Business customers? Doesn't matter. Local managers do NOT follow the "customer rules" and blame everything on the tech. I hate working for them. I'm ashamed to be associated with At&t.

  5. They continue to add more work on your group and when it comes down to blame game they blame the rep that was doing the work right..
